The way we work and the type of work we do is rapidly changing. We see now that white collar workers are losing to robotization and automation, HR managers are facing significant challenges with the current jobseeker’s attitude to work, there is a global skill mismatch, the rise of the gig economy, and massive layoffs in large businesses. 

It seems that the labour economy is once again at the stage of change. Which trends will remain with us in the world of work in 2025?

AI Revolution

Software technologies have revolutionized the job market from the perspective of the employer, the employee, and the business that developed these technologies. But the explosion of AI over the past two years has brought even more driving changes, primarily in terms of time and money optimization. New generative AI tools are poised to introduce more automation and could prompt an additional 12 million occupational shifts in the US workforce by 2030, according to McKinsey Global Institute of directors and senior partners.

Skill Mismatch

The global job market is facing a big problem: many workers have skills that do not match employers’ needs. This skill mismatch can lead to high unemployment and lower productivity. According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report, 87% of companies worldwide are struggling with skill mismatches.

Between now and 2027, businesses predict that 44% of workers’ core skills will be disrupted because technology is moving faster than companies can design and scale up their training programs.

Productivity Challenges in Remote Work

While remote work remains popular, its impact on productivity is controversial. McKinsey’s research reveals that only half of HR leaders see employee productivity as a primary benefit of working remotely. However, research also shows that even fully remote companies with the right operating models can outperform their in-person peers on organizational health.  

One thing we know for sure is that the remote and hybrid work format will remain with us for a long time. And everyone has to work on productivity: both employees and employers.

The Rising Role of the Gig Economy

Another trend that has scaled to an enormous scale is the gig economy. I am absolutely convinced that this is only the beginning, and in 2025 the gig economy will only gain strength. In the United Kingdom, almost a quarter of those providing courier services earn 90% of their total income through the gig economy. 

Businesses benefit from the gig economy as well, by gaining access to a flexible workforce that can be scaled up or down based on demand. This flexibility allows companies to reduce costs associated with full-time employment and respond quickly to market changes. 

Advanced Job Search and HR Technologies

Advancements in job search and HR technologies are reshaping how employers find and manage talent. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital tools for recruitment and employee management, making processes more efficient and data-driven. For instance, AI and automation are increasingly used to streamline hiring, match candidates to roles more effectively, and enhance employee engagement and retention strategies.

Moreover, these technologies help mitigate some of the skill mismatch issues by better identifying and addressing gaps in the workforce, like creating educational resources and upskilling programs. And its improvement will definitely stay with us in 2025.

As we look towards 2025, the only thing that remains the same is change. New trends are so strongly absorbed into the job market that they are becoming the new normal for all market players: employees, employers, and businesses. Our common task is to improve the processes for which we are responsible, to accept the new reality of the job market, and to help others to adapt.

Valentyn Peltek, CEO and Co-Founder at Jobsora 


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With a focus on improving the efficiency, personalisation and accessibility of the job search experience, Jobsora aims to change the way people approach the job search process, minimising the time and effort traditionally required.

For Media 

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