The online world is a huge space in which everyone can participate. This, of course, makes the online space highly competitive and even over-saturated.

So, it’s no wonder that many bloggers, no matter how experienced, find it difficult to keep up with competitors and set themselves apart from the rest.

If you find yourself in this position and are wondering what you can do to make your WordPress blog successful and sustainable long-term, continue reading this article to learn five tips that you can incorporate to truly stand out from the crowd.

Before we get started, though, it’s important to note that to apply any of the following tips, you will first need to log into your WordPress dashboard.

Now, we can begin!

1. Design a Recognizable Logo

Having a fun, creative logo that is easy to recognize is vital for the success of your blog because it directly impacts the first impression that customers get when they click on your blog.

It is something that you will put on your business cards, social media, and ads, so it’s crucial that you put a lot of thought into it and see it as a piece of you that you will offer to the world.

The logo also helps with brand recognition, as most people associate brands with their logos and use them to visualize the brand.

By giving customers a logo that is worth remembering, you increase the chance of them thinking about your brand every time they need the product or service you offer.

So, when creating your logo, try to incorporate your name in it so that people can easily remember it and recommend it to others right away.

Additionally, a well-crafted logo can go a long way in building brand loyalty and in providing something unique that customers can use to distinguish your blog from all others.

Or, if you have a personal blog, it can be the one thing that makes you stand out in the eyes of employers and helps you land the job of your dreams.

2. Use or Create a Simple Yet Pleasing Theme

When creating your WordPress blog, you need to carefully choose the theme for it and make sure that it reflects your blog’s purpose.

Since humans are visual creatures, having an aesthetically pleasing and consistent theme is critical for customer retention.

If a customer encounters a blog that is all over the place and that is heavy on the eyes, chances are that they will click out of the blog as soon as it loads.

Thus, the theme you pick should be modern, simple, and with a personal touch that will carry the message you want to send.

A good thing about WordPress that comes in really handy in this area is that it has numerous free and paid themes you can choose from.

These themes come in a wide range of colors, fonts, and layouts, so you will have no trouble finding one that suits your blog, content, and brand.

Additionally, you can create your own custom theme if you wish. If you decide to create your own theme, remember that it’s always better to go with a slick, nice theme and not go overboard with clashing colors and too many animations.

3. Make Your Headlines Fun

A great headline can be just the thing that makes a customer click on your content and even stay on your blog and read more.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should just put words together that have nothing to do with the article.

Your headlines should be specific, unique, and relevant to what you are writing about because no one likes to click on a post and realize that the title was clickbait.

This will make customers annoyed and not want to return to your blog.

Additionally, make sure to always write your own headlines and give them a personal touch, and never copy someone else’s headlines.

Aside from plagiarism being a crime, it also negatively impacts your SEO.

4. Use a Consistent Layout for Your Posts

We’ve mentioned how important it is to have a consistent theme and design throughout your blog that will make it look appealing.

However, another crucial factor that impacts your blog’s appeal is your posts’ layout.

Before writing your blog posts, you should create a layout you are comfortable with and will use for all posts you write.

Otherwise, readers may find your blog too difficult to read, which will make them leave.

The most simple layout that visitors find suitable and coherent has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

However, if you decide to include other elements to your posts, like a table of contents, images, etc., make sure that all your blog posts have them in the same order so that your blog has a cohesive overall theme that visitors will get accustomed to reading.

5. Only Quality Content is Allowed

The most important thing you should focus on is the information or content you provide on your blog because it is the thing that your visitors are looking for in the first place.

So, in order to have a successful blog, you need to provide quality content that is relevant to your blog.

The best way to ensure that visitors will like your content is to provide a solution to a problem.

Your blog posts should be about common or specific issues or misunderstandings customers have with the particular product or service you offer.


There are many ways you can improve your blog and make it more enjoyable and recognizable for customers, and the five tips we mentioned in this article are just a few of them.

However, they are quite simple to apply to any WordPress blog, regardless of what it is about.

Additionally, these tips cover fundamental areas that are the backbone of any blog.

Therefore, it is vital to excel in these areas and make sure that you set them up in the best way you can.

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